Schedule for Vol.7 〈 Target release date: March, 2026 〉
1. Initial Submission
《 Deadline: April 23, 2025 》
The following documents must be submitted to by April 23, 2025.
(1) Entry Sheet
(2) Abstract of your article/work
(If using other languages, it is compulsory to have English subtitles/translations.)
(3) Reference materials
(eg. photo data, film data, illustrations, etc. This doesn't have to be the final version. It will help us as a reference for the initial screening.)
〈 Notes 〉 Only one application is accepted per research group.2. Initial Screening
The Editors-in-Chief will screen submitted materials and the results will be announced by the end of May, 2025.
3. Full Submission 《 Deadline: June 30, 2025 》
After authors have been notified about whether their initial submission was accepted, they will be expected to submit their completed article or final version of audiovisual content for peer review by June 30, 2025.
4. Peer Review
Two reviewers will conduct a double-blind review.
5. Publication
TRAJECTORIA Vol. 7 will be published in March, 2026.
Submission Guidelines for TRAJECTORIA
1.Purpose of TRAJECTORIA
TRAJECTORIA is an international peer-reviewed online journal with a focus on anthropology, cultural heritage, museums, and art. It is also a platform for the multilateral discussion of knowledge and information regarding the diversity of material culture. The journal provides a space to discuss the trajectories of the different relationships that objects, knowledge and people generate within and beyond the museum, through time and space. We welcome contributions discussing anthropological practices and artistic challenges that transcend established academic norms.
2.Eligibility for submissions
Anyone with an interest in discussions on anthropology, cultural heritage, museums, and art can contribute to TRAJECTORIA as an author. However, the Publications Committee (hereinafter “the Committee”) reserves the right to determine the suitability of the author.
3.Conditions for submissions
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TRAJECTORIA accepts articles and ethnographic films, as well as still images, videos, animation, illustrations, maps, sound works and various combinations of the above (hereinafter referred to collectively as “articles and audiovisual material”). These must be unpublished and unreleased, including on the Internet.
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Articles and audiovisual material of the same or highly similar nature that have been or will be published elsewhere (including in digital media) will be considered as double submissions and will not be accepted. Double submissions will not be considered for review. If a double submission is discovered after publication, it may be retracted and penalties may be imposed.
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Articles and audiovisual material must not contain any material that may infringe on copyrights, portrait rights, or any other rights.
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Articles and audiovisual material should be written and submitted in accordance with separately prescribed guidelines. Articles and audiovisual material that do not comply with the guidelines will not be accepted.
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The contributor shall be responsible for resolving any dispute or damage arising from the article and audiovisual material. The same applies to any damage incurred by the National Museum of Ethnology.
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If the Committee judges that any submitted articles and audiovisual material may infringe on copyrights, portrait rights, or any other rights, it reserves the right to withhold publication until any such issues have been resolved. The contributor shall submit to this judgement without objection.
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4.Language and typography
Articles must be written in English. If the use of another language is essential, a request to that effect must be made to the Committee prior to submission. This principle also applies to manuscriptsinvolving special characters and symbols.
5.Content length
Articles should not exceed 5,000 words in English. Audiovisual material should not exceed 180 minutes in length. If it is necessary to exceed these limits, the author must notify the Committee prior to submission.
6.Notice on citations
When reproducing figures, tables and photographs from other publications, it is the contributor’s responsibility to seek permission from the original author and publisher.If permission from the copyright/print owner is required to cite a reference, or if copyright must be obtained to publish an illustration or photograph, the contributor is responsible for completing the procedure and bearing the costs.
7.Documents to be supplied at the time of submission
When submitting a paper, figures, tables, photographs and links to videos should be inserted in the text. The text must be checked by a native speaker before submission.
Submitted articles and audiovisual material will be reviewed by a panel of reviewers selected by the Committee in accordance with the peer review guidelines specified elsewhere, and the Committee will decide whether the publication is appropriate and whether revisions are necessary. If the Committee decides that the manuscript is suitable for publication, it will be referred to the Publications Review Committee. The manuscript (including figures, tables, photographs, etc.) will not be returned regardless of whether it is accepted or rejected.
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Contributors may appeal against the Committee's decision on a submitted article or audiovisual material. The appeal must be submitted in writing to the Committee, stating the name of the article or audiovisual material, the name of the author(s), the matter being appealed against and the reasons for the appeal. The deadline for filing an appeal is one month from the notification date of the Committee’s original decision.
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In the event of an appeal, the Committee shall decide whether to re-examine or reject the appeal. In the case of a re-examination, the Committee shall select reviewers to re-assess the case.
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The Committee will notify the contributors of the decision and the results of the review as soon as possible.
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Only one appeal may be made against the same article or audiovisual material, and no further appeals may be made against the outcome of the decision on the appeal.
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10.Revisions by contributors
The Committee may ask contributors to revise their articles and audiovisual material as necessary before the Committee decides to publish them.
Proofreading work should be done only by the author(s), and includes not only the content but also the correction of the format in accordance with the submission rules and guidelines. Corrections other than typographical errors are not permitted at the first proof stage, which takes place after the acceptance of the manuscript. Re-proofreading is only to confirm the corrections made in the first proof. If there is more than one author, the editor should proofread the manuscript.
The copyright of the submitted articles and audiovisual works belong to the authors of the articles. However, the Museum holds the right to create a database of the articles and audiovisual works. This database will be made available in the National Museum of Ethnology Digital Repository (Minpaku Repository). In that case, the Museum will clearly state the names of the authors of the articles and audiovisual works to be published. To delete any part of the work that is inappropriate to the public, a request to that effect must be made to the Committee at the time of submission.
The Museum reserves the right to publish on video-sharing websites any video content included in an article or audiovisual work, in accordance with the publication of the article or audiovisual work in question. The National Museum of Ethnology reserves the right to decide, at its own discretion, when and on which video-sharing websites to publish the video content.
When reprinting the published article in other publications, a request must be made to the Committee in advance. -
The National Museum of Ethnology grants one DOI for each article (including audio-visual content, if any) at its sole discretion. The authors cannot remove the DOI once it is assigned.
14.Address for submission and contact
The Publication Committee
c/o National Museum of Ethnology
10-1 Senri Expo Park, Suita City
Osaka, JAPAN 565-8511